whispers in the corridors

Not informing the exact amount of photocopy charges
The appellant sought information about installation of Digital Programmable Water Fountain with RGB Lights and other related information. Before the CIC, the appellant contended that the PWD has not informed the amount of photocopy charges which is to be deposited to obtain the information. The CIC observed that it is a serious lacuna on the part of the Respondent in giving incomplete information to the Appellant. Not informing the exact amount of photocopy charges and the process for depositing the same amounts to obstruction of information on the part of the Respondent under the RTI Act. The CIC directed the PWD to be cautious in future and ensure that such lapses do not recur. The CIC further noted that the first appeal of the Appellant was duly received in the office of the Public Authority and directed the Respondent to be careful and sure while making any submissions before the CIC. The CIC directed to inform the exact number of pages which is to be given under the RTI Act along with total amount and mode by which the same is to be deposited by the Appellant. The Respondent was directed to provide information to the Appellant within a week from the date of receipt of payment. The FAA was further directed to ensure compliance of the order.
The PIO must be cautious and inform the applicant about the quantum of fee to be paid along with the details of calculation how the amount has been arrived at. In this case, the CIC could have taken resort to Section 7(6) of the RTI Act to order providing the information free of cost to the applicant due to the delay. Section 7(6) reads, ‘Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (5), the person making request for the information shall be provided the information free of charge where a public authority fails to comply with the time limits.
Citation: Piyush Sharma v. O/o the Executive Engineer (E), PWD, New Delhi, File No: CIC/PWDDL/A/2023/132711; Date of Decision : 29.10.2024
Dr Anuradha Verma (dranuradhaverma@yahoo.co.in) is a RTI Consultant currently working with IIM Vishakhapatnam. She has co-authored the books PIO’s Guide to RTI and Right to Information – Law and Practice. Her weekly article is being published since 2008 on this site. She offers consultancy on RTI matters and third party audit to individuals / organisations. Her other articles can be read at the website of RTI Foundation at the link https://www.rtifoundationofindia.com