Trahi Trahi Chahuore (Helplessness every where)

It is trahi trahi already from East to West China, Korea, Japan, many other states faced the fury of COVID-19 before many could assess the full impact of the virus. Till Italy shook Europe, Iran other nations, the virus reached America and England. The daily rise in the numbers of the sick sudden deaths rising from single digit to two in the early days and three later shocked the world community instantly casting a pall of gloom throwing normal life in to lockdown everywhere jolting The smugly 6 billion world community Gasping at numbers of the dead & sick The tragic irony of super powers killing millions like flies in wanton nuclear war Devastating and destroying in minutes The whole world at the press of a button Ignoring signals of Benevolent Nature The only Super Power in the universe Nature’s annoyance is too apparent to Ignore or its power to punish the guilty Unless human conduct changes fast it Will invite the wrath of the Benevolent Going into a panic mode is not enough Trahi trahi- the individual cry of alarm Knowing not when it will abate, subside The remedy though lies in human mind Pray to the Mighty the Benevolent: say Trahimaam, trahimaam O! Benevolent Save me, protect me, forgive me Mother Community of nations in solemn unison.

M L Gupta


Appoint them

If facts quoted by Arun Sharma are correct, then Government should appoint all these qualified MBBS persons on contract basis for Two years. They can be considered for regular appointment there after.

S Gopal

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