whispers in the corridors

Long working hours, frequent transfers, complex situations, significant pressure from stakeholders is what outlines the life of an IAS officer. But this soft-spoken 2013 batch dynamic IAS officer of Uttar Pradesh cadre, Raj Kamal Yadav has his own way to deal with the demanding and stressful days.
Whispers In The Corridors spoke with Managing Director, Uttar Pradesh Small Industries Corporation Limited (UPSIC) and Additional Commissioner of Industries (ACI) Kanpur, Raj Kamal Yadav to learn how he beats the stress. Stay tuned for more.
Daily stress buster
My two lovely sons -Rudra (six) and Rushank (two) help me deal with daily stress. As we know children are pure souls giving unconditional affection, so one can find me up with them till 2 am quite often. They fill me with renewed enthusiasm.
Fitness first
Gymming is something I enjoy a lot. I somehow successfully manage five to do it days a week. While I workout, my subconscious mind keeps working on the tough situations I am caught with. It clears the mind's fogginess. Amazingly, I do get smart ideas while pumping steel that make things work for me.
Life is blissful
I can only thank the Almighty and there is nothing that I desire from him right now. He has bestowed me with everything I could have desired. I also believe that destiny plays a major role and one gets what is destined, but one gets the destined only happens to those who club it with hardwork and honesty.
Kind soul
I have seen people twist rules, regulations and procedures to suit themselves. Though this doesn't hurt me, but when I see the needy suffer, and stuck in procedures and files, I feel helpless.This is really sad. You see, it isn't easy to be in the chair always.
On philosophical note
I believe slow is the fastest way to reach where you wish to desire. Also my philosophy is to be forgiving, holding back too much is like heavy lifting. Eventually it only damages your well-being. Secondly,
On future & happiness
On personal front, I wish to see myself more fulfilled, more healthy and happier. For me happiness is intrinsic - not extrinsic. It’s my mood or my state of mind that only I control - be it a person or situation. On the professional front - of course a promotion is what I look forward to.

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