Trump's economic policies

Donald Trump's economic policies may be against India's interests. Trump's claim of calling India a tariff king on the basis of its highest duties is not correct, because many other countries have higher duties than India. Japan's highest duty is 457 percent, South Korea's is 887 percent and America's highest duty is 350 percent while India's highest duty is only 150 percent. The highest duty is usually imposed to protect sensitive commodities. For example, Japan imposes high duty on rice to protect the interests of its farmers. In fact, the true picture of a country's import duty is obtained only from its average tariff. However, the rules of global trade are set by the WTO and India does not violate its duty-related rules, but America does so. Although America often expresses concern by naming India, it has not challenged India's high tariffs in the WTO because it knows that India's tariffs are within the limits agreed by the WTO.

Nancy Singh


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