"Appointment of CEC and ECs"

Apropos WIC Forum dated Feb 10.The idea of identifying the constitutional functionaries like the CEC and ECs through a committee representing all national political parties, is absurd. This would lead to their further politicization, impacting independence and transparency, the sine qua non for conducting free and fair elections mandated by the Constitution. Removal of CJI from the selection-cum-search committee by changing the procedure through legislative route (brute majority) is a regressive step, making the appointments in Election Commission arbitrary and discretionary, based on pick-and-choose. Sadly, the CJI ,as the custodian of the constitution, remained a mute spectator. He has gone down in public esteem due to his inaction. Stake-holders consultation was necessary. Going a step further, the public would uphold the idea of making appointments in all constitutional bodies like the EC,C&AG, and the  UPSC by the same committee headed by the PM with LOP and CJI as members. Status quo ante must be restored. The Judiciary, as one of the pillars of Parliamentary democracy, must be respected. This would further enhance the image of PM Modi in the public eye.

A K Saxena (A former civil servant)

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